Tell me how this works

I had to pack up all my purchases of shampoo and conditioner (617 bottle, about 220kgs in all) so I went in search of boxes and tape. A Spanish man, a pal of Maggie's called Ventura gave me a hand though we stopped off at his cousin's smallholding on the way to pick a few oranges and grapefruit straight from the tree. "I bet you can't do this in London," said Ventura.

I asked Ventura what the Spanish word is for packing tape - I thought it was cinta de embalaje but he put me right - what I needed was papel fiso. We went in the shop, he said do you have fiso, they said wide or narrow he said wide and we bought it.

I had to go back for more tape later so I went to the same shop. I asked for four rolls of fiso, they dragged out some sellotape, no the wide stuff, they produced wide sellotape. I pointed. Ah, you want cinta de embalaje.



  1. Not just Spain Chris. A teacake in Lancashire is a very different thing from a Yorkshire teacake - and in the North East, a teacake is called something different altogether.
    Obviously the Yorkshire version is wrong.


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