I have very dirty hair

When I first came to Spain I signed up as an agent for a UK based firm who offered a range of services to mainly retail businesses. Over the years they have contacted me from time to time offering to pay me such and such a fee for a range of tasks ranging from acting as the recall centre for a book with printing defects to interviewing professionals about which products they use. For one reason or another I've never been able to do any of the jobs they've offered.

Recently though they said they needed someone to go shopping for hundreds of a particular brand of shampoo and a conditioner from the same range. For the first time it was a job within my intellectual and physical grasp.

So over the last couple of days I've been to several supermarkets buying shampoo and conditioner. Standing in the queue I get some very odd looks as I stand there with a basket loaded with fifty or sixty similar looking bottles. My quip, to anyone who stares too long, "I have very dirty hair" has never raised a single smile. The cashiers don't smile either as I unload my monotonous purchases and the fact that the conditioner and shampoo come in very similar looking bottles but have different prices has caused some difficulty.

Our spare bedroom is stacked high with carriers full of shampoo and it's going to be a hoot when I have to parcel the lot up to ship it off.


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